Page Charges Procedure

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Procedure for Page Charges Contribution

Some publishers ask for charges from authors who wish to publish papers in their journals. NCRA has, in principle, agreed to pay the publication charges for members who want to publish articles in such journals. The payment will be processed through the Library (SIRC). It has been decided that the following rules will apply while paying the publication charges:

1. NCRA will pay only its members' share of the charges.

2. NCRA can also pay the share of Indian co-authors who are unable to pay their charges.

3. Any other case, like the payment of the page charge share of foreign co-authors, could be looked at on a case to case basis.

4. In general, members are encouraged to publish in journals without page charges.

The following procedure has to be followed for paying the page charges through the library:

1. Once the paper has been accepted for publication, the authors should agree among themselves on how the expense is going to be shared and communicate to the publishers accordingly.
2. At this stage, the authors are requested to intimate the SIRC regarding their ratio of page charge contribution and total number of authors so as to avoid delays later. An email to
library@ncra should be sufficient.
3. The publishers usually send a Page Charge Contribution Form to the concerned author indicating the percentage to be paid by an individual author to the publishers. The author
has to sumbit this form to the Librarian along with a printed copy of the relevant article.
4. Library will process the document and send to respective publisher for an invoice.
5. Final payment will be made by library and will be communicated to author.

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, PO Box 3, Pune Univ. Campus, Pune 411 007, INDIA, Phone : 91-020-25719211, FAX:91-020-25697257 ; 25692149.

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