Browsing by Author Lal, Dharam Vir

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-20232-D primary beam shape measurements of the band-3, 250–500 MHz of the uGMRTKatore, S N; Lal, Dharam Vir
22-Jan-2014Absolute cold sky brightness temperature of the diffuse radio background from 50 to 1500 MHzLal, Dharam Vir
2013Analysis of L-Band data from the new GMRT wideband backend, in order to test long term amplitude and phase stabilitySherkar, Sachin; Lal, Dharam Vir
Nov-2014Characterising the performance of GWB-II: Understanding (i) the performance of two LO-lock schemes and (ii) the range of optimal values of OF attenuationLal, Dharam Vir
2014Characterising the performance of new GWB systemLal, Dharam Vir
15-Sep-2016A Database of Phase Calibration Sources for the Giant Metrewave Radio TelescopeLal, Dharam Vir; Dubal, Shilpa; Sherkar, Sachin
Nov-2015Expected ON–minus–OFF deflections with matched OFF positions for calibrator sources at 151, 235, 325, 610 and 1420 MHzLal, Dharam Vir; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Kamble, Jayprakash
2014FLAGCAL: Imaging ResultsLal, Dharam Vir
25-May-2015Flux density measurements for CasA, Crab, CygnusA & VirgoA calibrator sources from 50 to 1,450 MHzLal, Dharam Vir
2002The GMRT antenna pointing - I. calibrating the FPS positionsLal, Dharam Vir; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Rao, A.P.
2003The GMRT antenna pointing - II. understanding the elevation offsets as a function of hour angle of the sourceLal, Dharam Vir; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Rao, A.P.
1995GMRT Confusion limit: part I. Theoretical expectation. Part II. Measurement for one GMRT DishLal, Dharam Vir; Asgekar, A.
Sep-2013GMRT Observers ManualLal, Dharam Vir
2014GWB and GSB data analyses: standard operating procedureSherkar, Sachin; Lal, Dharam Vir
Oct-2014Operating procedure for running GWB Correlator-IIRaskar, Nilesh; Kudale, Sanjay; Lal, Dharam Vir
Jun-2022Primary beam shape measurements of the band-2, 125–250 MHz band of the uGMRTLal, Dharam Vir; Katore, Santaji
2015Stability of noise calibration sources installed on C11, C13 and S02Sherkar, Sachin; Raskar, N; Lal, Dharam Vir
Nov-2014Testing the polarisation mode of GWB-II using two LO-schemes in the GAB systemLal, Dharam Vir